Carb Counting

Carbohydrate counting

Many diabetes medical management plan (DMMP) uses insulin to carbohydrate ratio to determine the amount of insulin for meal. This means that the caretaker has to be able to count the amount of carbohydrate that the student is going to have.

The main source of carbohydrate comes from grain and starch. The standard carb counting method uses grams as a unit measurement.

Examples of food that has approximately 15 grams of carb:

  • 1/3 cup of cooked rice

  • 1 slice of bread (may vary depending on the brand)

  • 1/2 medium potato

  • 1/3 cup cooked pasta

  • 1/3 cup mashed potato

  • 1/2 hamburger or hot dog bun (may vary depending on the brand)

  • 1 medium apple

  • 1 small banana

  • 1 medium orange

  • 15 grapes

There are many online resources for carbohydrate counting. The link below will direct you to Calorie King website which contains the most comprehensive nutritional data.

Link to Calorie King website

Carb counting basic instructions (Joslin Diabetes Center)